Social Studies Chapters

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

After an opponent dies following a fight in 1743, John ("Jack")Broughton introduces boxing's first rules.

The Ancient Greeks support boxing as a sport when they include it in the Olympics as a early as 688 BC.

In 1935, the underdog Braddock fightschampion Max Baerfor the Heavyweight title and wins.

Branch Rickey wants a Black man to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers; he selects Jackie Robinson to become the first Black player in Major League baseball...

The Atlantic Forest is a forest area which once covered a great part of Brazil, but most of it is now cut-down.

Polish mathematicians help Britain's Alan Turing create a decoder to the Enigma machine.

In 1946, Jackie Robinson agrees not to fight the discrimination he will face as the first Black baseball player; he earns his team's respect.

Being placed and tied to a wheel is another very painful and slow way to die.

Read a poem about the life of Brian Bluhm, a 25 year-old second year Masters student in Civil Engineering.

Today's India and Great Britain bear little resemblance to the time of William Makepeace Thackeray; learn about some of these differences.

The Nobles want freedom from the Catholic Church, freedom from undue tax burdens, protection of inheritance rights and due process of law.

Sir Walter Raleigh's ship is the flagship of the British fleet, which is smaller than the 130 ships in the Spanish Armada.

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