Famous People Documents

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

Mrs. Jefferson - called “Patty” by her husband, Thomas Jefferson - was often ill during the last years of her life.  Six years after ...

As reports came into the White House from Vietnam, during the summer of 1968, President Johnson often showed his emotions.  In this image, he is ...

Frederick Douglass, a former slave, honored the memory of John Brown (an abolitionist) with a lecture about him.  This image depicts a page from ...

On the 19th of May, 1900, Wilbur Wright sent a letter to Octave Chanute.  In it, he discusses a serious "illness" which he has.  The cure, f...

This is the second page of Wilbur Wright's May 13th, 1900, letter to Octave Chanute.  He wrote the letter on Wright Cycle Company stationery. Th...

This image depicts the third page of Wilbur Wright's 13 May 1900 letter to Octave Chanute.  Wright is sharing his ideas about the problems he and...

Seeking help in thinking through the best way to approach the concept of powered flight, Wilbur Wright wrote to Octave Chanute on the 13th of May, 190...

This image depicts the final page of Wilbur Wright's letter dated May 13, 1900 which he sent to Octave Chanute.  Wilbur is asking for help as he ...

This image depicts the cover of a book by Anna Dostoevsky (Anna Dostoyevskaya), the wife (then widow) of the famous Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoevsky....

The conspirators, who were part of the "Gunpowder Plot," agreed to keep their plan secret and would tell no one outside of their group about it.  ...

Image of an original copy of History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark.  From the Paul Mellon Collection at the Alb...

This digitized letter, from the FBI, is a request for examination of certain artifacts important to the investigation of President Lincoln's assassina...

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