Famous People Documents

People who change the world may, or may not, be famous in their own lifetimes. Often it takes years for others to understand forward-thinking contributions. This collection introduces you to some of the world's most-famous people

This is page one of President Lincoln's handwritten second-inaugural address.  Click on the image to expand its view.

This is page two of President Lincoln's handwritten second-inaugural address.  Click on the image to expand its view.

Lt. Jack Robinson was court-martialed on two charges during August of 1944.  After he was found "not guilty," on both, he asked to be relieved of...

Nelson Mandela, known as "The First Accused" at the Rivonia treason trial, gave this opening statement (on his own behalf) at the beginning of the tri...

A leaflet, containing the following words, was issued by the Command of Umkhonto we Sizwe on December 16, 1961.  It acknowledge responsibility fo...

This image depicts the text of a "marriage bond" between Edgar Allan Poe and Virginia Clemm. The document contains an error.  Virginia's age is ...

This image depicts a formal document, signed by Mary, Queen of Scots and her new husband, Henry Stuart (Lord Darnley). The document says, among other...

Mary Todd Lincoln's letter to her husband, the President, notes discussions in Washington D.C. regarding the slow reactions of General McClellan. ...

Image of a draft copy of President McKinley's speech on March 4, 1901.  Maintained by the U.S. Library of Congress. Click on the image for a bet...

The McNamara-Taylor Report, dated 2 October 1963, was formerly a top-secret, classified document prepared for the President of the United States. ...

This is page 4 of the McNamara-Taylor Report - dated 2 October 1963 - which these two JFK advisers prepared for President Kennedy's review.  The ...

When Robert McNamara and Maxwell Taylor returned from their fact-finding trip to South Vietnam - in the early fall of 1963 - they advised President Ke...

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