Nonfiction Works Story Briefs

Many of the world's greatest books are non-fiction works. This Collection will help you to explore both famous and not-so-famous titles.

Abolitionists who wanted children to understand America's system of chattel slavery wrote books to communicate their message. One example is "A Pictur...

Born on the 12th of February, in 1809, Abraham Lincoln was America's 16th president. For many people, this man with humble beginnings was the greatest...

Thomas Nickerson wrote a narrative about the whale attack on the Essex. He included drawings in his work. This image depicts one of those drawings.

Follett, a family-owned business serving the education industry, was started by Charles Montgomery (C.M.) Barnes in 1873.

John Pine wanted to insure that the story told by tapestries hanging in the House of Lords, illustrating scenes from the Spanish-Armada sea battles be...

John Pine wanted to insure that the story told by tapestries hanging in the House of Lords, illustrating scenes from the Spanish-Armada sea battles be...

The story of America's first-published African-American poet takes us to Long Island during a time of slavery.

Noah Brooks was a journalist who knew President Lincoln well and wrote about his personality.

The Emancipation Proclamation is still debated today, what did it say and how did the country react?

Do you know the background of "Little Women?" Meet Louisa May Alcott and learn how she based her still-famous story on her real-life family.

What it's like to lose a beloved Grandmother - A Poem, by Carole Bos

The eulogy celebrating the life of a much-loved Father, James Berkenpas, Jr.

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