Slaves and Slave Owners Chapters

When the "New World" needed cheap labor for its plantations, slave traders kidnapped Africans from their home villages. A "triangle trade" system forever changed the lives of an entire people. Explore this collection to learn what those slaves endured, and discover stories of other types of slavery such as forced labor camps in the Soviet GULAG.

Runaway slaves need to be creative to avoid capture.

William Still, a freeborn black man and Father of the Underground Railroad, shares accounts of slaves who take the passage to freedom.

The Mahdi, wants to rid the Sudan of British and Egyptian influences and make the Sudan a pure Islamic state.

Wilberforce becomes religious and combines his strong faith with his politics.

Jefferson believes the colonies should become free states.

Scholars disagree about the reliability of slave memoirs and oral histories.

Jim Crow Laws, named after a character in a minstrel show, become a synonym for legal segregation.

This lithograph, by John Childs, depicts “Cinque Addressing his Compatriots.” It is online via the U.S. National Archives, courtesy of the...

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.3 Successes and Failures of Reconstruction in South Carolina

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