Slaves and Slave Owners Chapters

When the "New World" needed cheap labor for its plantations, slave traders kidnapped Africans from their home villages. A "triangle trade" system forever changed the lives of an entire people. Explore this collection to learn what those slaves endured, and discover stories of other types of slavery such as forced labor camps in the Soviet GULAG.

Witnesses state the slaves are well-fed, comfortable, and happy during the ocean passage.

Celia accidently kills her owner, Robert Newsom, while defending herself against rape.

Kidnapped people from the western coast of the continent of Africa sail to Cuba against their will.

After the Union wins the Civil War, the Southern States rejoin the union.

In 1997, "Amistad" (the movie) is released in remembrance of the captives, and a replica ship tours across America.

The three-part trading system consists of European goods, African slave labor, and British colony resources, such as coffee and tobacco.

Tice, a runaway slave, swims across the Ohio River which separates a free state and a slave state. When he disappears, it's like he is traveling on a...

An explanation of the Underground Railroad and how Harriet found it.

An all-white male jury convicts and sentences Celia to hang for first-degree murder.

Celia cannot tell her side of the story in her own trial because slaves cannot testify.

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