Slaves and Slave Owners Chapters

When the "New World" needed cheap labor for its plantations, slave traders kidnapped Africans from their home villages. A "triangle trade" system forever changed the lives of an entire people. Explore this collection to learn what those slaves endured, and discover stories of other types of slavery such as forced labor camps in the Soviet GULAG.

Former slaves tell of the pain of losing their families to slave trading. Because America had chattel slavery, where people were treated like property...

Douglass travels to speak and write against slavery, and becomes friends with other famous abolitionists William Lloyd Garrison and John Brown.

Captives on La Amistad fight back and take over the ship. Becoming free, however, is a much-more complicated process.

Edwin Epps orders Platt (Solomon Northup) to beat Patsey, another slave. When Platt defies Epps' wishes, for an even-worse beating, Epps cruelly whip...

Harriet Tubman began to conduct slave escapes using the Undergound Railroad.

Standard 8-3.1 The tensions between the Upcountry and Lowcountry and the economic struggles the state faced.

The original Emancipation Proclamation resides at the National Archives; Lincoln's copy burns in the Great Fire of Chicago in 1871.

Wilberforce introduces a bill in Parliament to outlaw and end the slave trade.

William Wallace plans to do everything in his power to ensure England's King Edward I will not rule his Scotland.

Witnesses state the slaves are well-fed, comfortable, and happy during the ocean passage.

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